Career Selection for Young People

Truth@Life Helps
Your Young Person Identify Their
Career Calling, College & Major

Is your young person struggling to know what to do with his/her life?  Have they changed their major in college?  Worse yet, have they graduated and dislike their job?

Alternatively, is your young person so talented that they could do most anything they set their mind to?  In this case, scholastic aptitude tests don't help much.  In fact, long-term career success and fulfillment isn't even based on aptitude as much as it is on personality, talent, and passion.

Besides selecting the most professionally rewarding and personally fulfilling career, our proprietary process of one-on-one, face-to-face coaching will help your young person:

  • Select the best college, major, or trade school,
  • Identify their life purpose,
  • Super-charge their academic motivation & performance,
  • Improve their confidence & self-esteem,
  • Help them become better life-long decision makers.

The Bottom Line: 90% of students are either undeclared in their major when they go to college or they will change their major after they arrive.  The average college student is now taking almost six years to get their bachelors degree.  Conversely, over a hundred students have used the Truth@Life process and not one has changed their major or selected trade.  Parents say this program has saved them over $30,000 per child in college tuition!  The client testimonials abound!

Click here to schedule a free consultation to discuss how you can help your young person identify their career calling.

Simply need more information? Click here to receive the latest white paper.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a consultation today at no charge.

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"When I started working with My coach (as a teenager) I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Even though I had great grades in school and many talents, I was directionless. With the invaluable help of my coach, I now have a professional position that is perfectly suited to my talents, my passions, and my personality. As a result, I am off to a great start on my career and am better prepared for future career decisions. Thanks for working with me, coach!"
Tami V., Young New Professional, Miami, FL
“My coach helped me discover my strengths, my weaknesses, and my passions.  I am excited about my strengths and I am OK with my weaknesses, because I know where I am headed.  Now that I know what I am naturally designed to do, I have a sense of purpose and direction.  My classes make sense and I am excited to do the work because I can see the destination.  My grades have gone up and my self-esteem has improved.  Thanks coach!"
Emma S., 1st Year Nursing Student, Phoenix, AZ
"I suffer from ADD which makes focusing and studying a challenge for me. So imagine my surprise when my coach was able to identify a professional career that I could be very successful at - college professor! It turns out that my personality is well suited to this profession, and when studying a subject I am interested in, I have laser-like focus for hour at a time. I am so thankful my coach did not give up on me like so many other adults have, just because I have ADD."
Ethan R., PhD Program, Detroit, MI
“I thought I wanted to be a classical violinist, but was concerned that I could not make a living at it. On the other hand, I didn't want to give up on my music either. My coach was able to discover a career path where my intense discipline, focus, and competitiveness could be put to use in a more practical field that I can make a comfortable living at, while still allowing me the time I desire to pursue my music career. Now I have professional goals and a workable career plan that satisfies by creative side, as well as my personality's need for financial security.”
Holly M., Young New Professional, Pittsburgh, PA