Emotional Intelligence & Relationship Management

Do you need help developing your emotional intelligence and/or help with relationship management?

Successful Relationships Follow a Predictable Pattern:

Problems: You must understand and navigate the forces that tear relationships apart.
Purpose: Healthy relationships have well-defined purpose(s) and expectations.
Plan: They follow the a workable plan for successful relationships.
Processes: There are standard processes that define all successful relationships (communication, conflict resolution, roles and responsibilities, etc.)
Product: Healthy relationships focus on successful outcomes.

Alternatively, do any of the following describe your life:

• Do you have difficulty communicating with your spouse, children, supervisor, and/or co-workers?
• Do you feel underappreciated or disrespected in your relationships and ineffective at changing the situation?
• Do people have unrealistic expectations of you?
• Have you lost hope for a better tomorrow?
• Do you have difficulty managing your emotions and are you sometimes shocked by what you say to someone else?
• Are you needing relational boundaries in your life?
• Do you struggle with anger and resolving conflict?
• Do you have difficulty resolving conflict?
• Are you disappointed in the way the important relationships in your life are turning out?
• Do your feelings control your actions?
• Are you stressed to the point of being ready to quit and walk away?

Truth@Life provides assessments and customized training that will empower you to manage the forces in our society today that tear apart relationships, eliminate unrealistic expectations, appreciate unique giftedness, understand proper roles & responsibilities, enhance communication & resolve conflict, establish appropriate boundaries, and develop action plans for moving forward.

Additionally, training in emotional intelligence improves self-awareness, your ability to manage your emotions, increases your social awareness, and dramatically improves your management of the important relationships in your life. Examples include: mood management, stress management, effective decision making, reading body language, attentive listening, and responding appropriate to others.

Click here to begin improving your personal and professional relationships.

Simply need more information? Click here to receive the latest white paper.

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Schedule a consultation today at no charge.

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"I was stressed beyond description. There was no balance in my life. My job had taken everything from me. I wanted out - out of my job and my marriage. The tools and techniques I learned in this program saved my marriage, my relationship with my children, and possibly even my life. I am now on a healthy and happy career track with a new job that I love. Thanks so much coach!"
Diane C., Manager, Phoenix, AZ
“By improving my ability to manage my emotions and the relationships around me, this program saved my job and my family.  I still struggle with the typical issues facing any stressed person trying to be a responsibly professional, husband, and father, but I now have the tools and techniques to work through them in a healthy and successful way.  These principles apply equally at work and at home.”
Greg P., Professional, Houston, TX