Entrepreneurial Development

Entrepreneurial development-from knowing how to start a business, to growing your current business and taking it to the next level-is critically important to the health of a business.

Do one of the following scenarios fit your situation:

Scenario One:  Are you a professional thinking about starting your own business, but you don't know how to start a business?  Perhaps you're wondering if your idea is good enough to make it in the marketplace. Can you make a living at starting your own business. How will you transition from your current job to full-time entrepreneur?

There are several things you need to consider:
- Is there sufficient Marketplace Demand to ensure you will be successful?
- Do you have the right Personality & Passion to be an entrepreneur?
- Do you or your partners have what it takes in terms of Skills & Knowledge?
- What Business Model will generate the most profits for you?
- Do you have a compelling Business Plan that will allow you to attract investors or qualify for a loan?
Truth@Life business coaches can help you answer these questions, as well as design and implement an action plan to make your dream to run your own business a reality.

Scenario Two:  Are you the owner of a small business needing to grow your business?  Maybe you already have a business, but are having difficulty growing it.

Truth@Life business coaches can help you work through the following growth strategies and tactics:
- Develop an integrated online presence (web site, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) to foster inbound marketing
- Use online advertising (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, YouTube, etc.)
- Design giveaways and/or bundled products or services
- Strategically use trade shows and conferences
- Subscribe to lead generation services
- Subscribe to, and create your own, referral services using existing customers
- Team with logical, successful business integration partners
- Identify niche target segments that you can successful compete in
- Build a list of target clients (use directories, common suppliers, your customers’ competitors, etc.)
- Leverage your own networks with outbound marketing and networking
- Develop a systematic personal selling program (emails, phone calls, appts., etc.)
- Hold information sessions & workshops
- Acquire a competitor’s business
- Develop new products, expand into new markets
- Use relevant guerilla marketing techniques

Scenario Three:  Have you been up and running for a while and need to optimize your profits or "take it to the next level."  Perhaps it's time to turn your "mom & pop shop" into a more significant business with well defined processes and systems. Truth@Life coaches are all senior veterans of both for-profit and non-profit organizations. They are skilled in defining the identity of an organization, recognizing the strengths and weaknesses, relating those to threats and opportunities that lie in the future, and crafting the best path to successful transformation.

Truth@Life coaches are vastly equipped to assist your organization successfully implement change in a number of areas, including:
• Organizational Health Assessments
• Strategic Planning & Goal setting
• Operational & Business Planning
• Mission/Vision/Values & Organizational Alignment
• Values-Based Decision Making
• Marketing & Growing the Business
• Controlling Costs & Optimizing Profits
• Leadership Training & Deployment
• Staff Professional Development & Team Building
• Culture Assessment & Culture Change Management
• Process Improvement & Reegineering
• Technology & Systems Reviews

Click here to schedule a free consultation to discuss starting or growing your own business.

Simply need more information? Click here to receive the latest white paper.

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"Receiving coaching from Truth@Life has been the best investment I have ever made! I have learned so much and am applying it in both my personal and professional lives. I especially value my coach's holistic approach to coaching because my faith journey plays a very significant role in my life. I now have the knowledge and confidence to launch my own business. I would highly recommend Truth@Life!"
Cindy D., Manager, Atlanta, GA
"As a career coach, my coach has the ability and desire to highlight and skillfully build on a person's strengths. At the wonderful age of 50, I was excited to walk-this-walk of "self discovery" and move fully into my gifts and strengths. It has been refreshing to actually experience a person leading me who celebrates my uniqueness along side of me, and points me in the appropriate direction of business relationships that best fit me. A wonderful journey indeed!"
Kelly H., Self-Employed, Boston, MA
“To say that this is a life-transforming experience would be a vast understatement. I used to be a driven leader who people respected but didn't necessarily enjoy working for. I used to believe there was no time to workout in the course of a day – not for someone as busy as me. I used to fail at scheduling time for weekly date nights with my wife. This process helped take a driven businessman who was physically, mentally & spiritually burnt-out & helped me define true success, as well as significance, & then start achieving it. My life & my business now have an integrated plan and I’m living it. I’m a new man with a new hunger for life & work.  I’m achieving personal & professional goals rather than wishing & waiting & wondering if it would ever happen.”
Darren T., Entrepreneur, Detroit, MI
"I worked with my coach for several months when my company was experiencing a severe crisis. His advice and guidance during the crisis has been a life saver and my company is much stronger now. We are now poised for the next phase of growth. If I had had his guidance earlier, the strategies and plans that he uses would have helped us avoid the whole crisis in the first place! I can now move this company from a small organization to one that is prepared for exponential growth."
John W., Entrepreneur, San Francisco, CA
“When I met my coach, I was going through one of the toughest transitions in my life.  I had left my full time job to follow my dream of building my own business.  Things were not going as I planned and I was facing a financial crisis that could have brought down my entire family.  I awoke every day to give it my all, but I wasn’t making any progress in overcoming the problem.  I consider myself a very strong and positive person, but for the first time in my life I felt myself wearing down.  The first thing my coach did was make me believe there was a solution to my problem.  He gave me hope.  My coach dedicated himself to helping me climb out of the valley I was in and get back on the path God has for my life.  I will never forget the difference he made in helping me overcome one of toughest transitions in my life.  God has gifted the Truth@Life team with the ability to do amazing things in people’s lives.  If you are facing one of those transitions in your life that you simply can’t make on your own, I would highly recommend you seek help from a member of the Truth@Life team.”
Shawn G., Entrepreneur, Pittsburgh, PA
"My coach helped me understand my journey to this point in my life and how it makes me who I am today. Being someone who consciously avoids “living in the past,” this was really revealing and useful. With this knowledge, he helped me set a vision for the last half of my life that is specific and balanced. Confusion and uncertainty has been replaced with clarity of purpose that actively balances personal needs with family, vocation, faith and community. During the time my coach helped me with this journey of self-reflection and planning, life threw me a couple of interesting curves. It was truly a blessing to have my coach on board as a trusted adviser and friend, looking after my best interest. Now I am on track to becoming self-employed. My coach really has a gift for this work and it always shows in the way he serves."
Bryan W., Senior Manager, Denver, CO