Life coaching is the most effective way to break free of whatever is holding you back and to start making progress toward your goals.  Our Life Coaches are all about transformational change – both personal and professional. We are are experts in change – change that is both transformational and change that is permanent.  Our Life Coaches are part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part friend.  We’ll work with you to help you define and achieve their goals — whatever they may be.  Your Life Coach will become your success partner.

Some of the personal opportunities we can assist you with include achieving your goals, replacing negative habits with positive ones, identifying and managing stress, priority & time management, identifying your emotions and what triggers them, controlling your behavior, spotting emotions in others, and managing your relationships in constructive ways.

Professionally, we can help you achieve greater work/life balance, select a career you are truly passionate about, professional brand & resume development, marketing yourself, networking, finding open positions, interview prep, and salary negotiation.

Your Truth@Life Coach will assess where you are at, help you set a vision for the future, document the goals you want to achieve, develop a specific action plan to achieve those goals, train/encourage/empower you as you implement your action plan, hold you accountable for your progress, and course correct the plan as necessary until your goals are achieved!

We use a proprietary transformation process and set of tools called ACHIEVE©, to uniquely develop and implement the best possible action plan to successfully help you achieve your goals and make the transformation permanent.

Many client testimonials, as well as a free initial consultation are available. All coaching is done face-to-face (either in person or online).  

Click here to schedule a discussion that could begin changing your life.

Simply need more information? Click here to receive the latest white paper.

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Download more information or schedule a consultation today at no charge.

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I was coached by Curtis in his ACHIEVE program. The program has provided clarity in many facets of my life with concrete results. Several people close to me saw a positive change in me almost immediately after starting the program, and my life continues to get better. It wasn’t just the usual “life” coaching, it goes far beyond that. Truth@Life is life changing.
Bert B., IT Projects & Business Development Professional