Priority & Time Management

The one thing we cannot create more of is time.  It is the most constrained resource we have.  So how we use it is critically important.  We must be effective in our use of time – focused on priorities – and we must be efficient in our use of time. This makes time management critically important to all professionals and students. So, how are you doing in this area?  

Do any of the following describe you:
•    There is never enough time in the day. 
•    You're stressed & need better work/life balance. 
•    Your “to-do” list never completely done.
•    You have trouble accomplishing goals.

Our Priority & Time Management services start out with a series of assessments to increase your self-awareness and gain a better understanding of the effective and efficient use of time.  Next, a specific time management action plan is customized from the following:   

•    Self-awareness concerning your natural time usage style
•    Identification of life goals and priorities
•    Time journaling current usage
•    Time categorization of current usage
•    Setting time priorities & goals
•    Establishing time blocks
•    Techniques for better decision making 
•    Implementing the time plan 
•    Identifying productivity and focus techniques 
•    Implementing productivity and focus
•    Revising the your customized time plan 
•    Time journaling & course correction

Click here to learn more about how to optimize the use of your most important asset: your time.

Many people who struggle with priority and time management also struggle with decision making.  Our future is created by the decisions we make and the actions we carry out.  Many people struggle with effective decision making. Either they make bad decisions that result in undesirable outcomes, they procrastinate in making decisions, they go into analysis paralysis, and/or they revisit and second guess decisions they have already made.

Do any of the following describe you:
•    You periodically make bad decisions that result in undesirable outcomes.
•    You procrastinate in making decisions.
•    Others question your judgement and decision making ability.
•    You sometimes fall into analysis paralysis and have trouble making a timely decision.
•    You feel you make too many mistakes.
•    Your emotions adversely affect your decision.
•    You revisit decisions you have already made and second guess them.
•    You lack confidence in your decision making abilities.
•    You do not have a process for decision making.

Truth@Life's priority and time management services start out with an evaluation of how you make decisions and how effective your decisions typically are.  Then, we review the 16 techniques for more effective decision-making, with special emphasis on those that will most significantly improve your decision making. 

A sampling of these includes:

•    Expanding the scope
•    Generating more alternatives
•    Finding an expert
•    Considering the opposite
•    Telescoping & microscoping
•    Running experiments
•    Overcoming emotion
•    Honoring priorities
•    Considering the range of future outcomes
•    Setting an alarm
•    Objectively considering the other’s perspectives
•    Bargaining & compromise

Click here to become a more effective decision maker.

Simply need more information? Click here to receive the latest white paper.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a consultation today at no charge.

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“I now understand myself much better than ever before – my strengths, my developmental opportunities, and my natural bent.  Being more aware of my thinking patterns, my behaviors, and my motivations has positively impacted every area of my life, especially those that involve how I manage my time.  I used to over overly-stressed, lacking enough time in my day, and often running late. Not so anymore. I am much more effective at managing my time now, being less stressed, and staying on time.  This program definitely helps people optimally manage their lives.”
Dawn W., Professional, Columbus, OH
“My coach guided me to a deeper awareness of my purpose, my life vision, and my values. At the end of the journey, I had gained greater clarity, focus, and direction. I now have specific goals and a practical plan to realize my new vision for life. My coach helped me integrate and optimize my life purpose and vision into all the dimensions of my life through customized, doable action plans.  I now have clarity around several major decisions in my life - both long and short-term decisions.”
Craig F., Manager, Houston, TX