Professional & Leadership Development

Are you seeking meaningful professional development and/or leadership development initiatives to take you to the next level? Truth@Life's professional development and leadership development professionals will partner with you and will provide skills and strategies to maximize your talents, to improve your leaderships skills, all while helping you maintain a more healthy work/life balance.

Do any of the following fit you:
• Your talents are not utilized and you’re not as productive as you would like to be.
• You are stressed & need better work/life balance.
• Your present boss just doesn't understand you and you need to figure out how to get a promotion.
• You struggle to achieve goals.
• There’s room for improvement in your relationships with your family, supervisor, and/or co-workers.
• You have difficulty influencing and motivating others to your way of thinking.
• You simply want to improve your leadership skills.

Since leadership is simply the ability to positively influence someone, everyone is a leader to some extent.  Sociologists estimate that we will all influence 10,000 people or more in our lifetime.  We all influence either family members, employees, friends, neighbors, and many others we come into contact with.  Truth@Life’s Leadership & Professional Skills Development program contains over 100 high performance training modules.  Your personal development program will be customized based on your specific needs using a series of assessments.  The program developed for you will be selected from the following areas:

• The foundational concepts of servant leadership and influence
• Overcoming the challenges of a leader
• Leading up – your manager
• Leading down – your employees
• Leading horizontally – your co-workers
• Ten key personal qualities of successful leaders & professionals
• Ten professional leadership principles & processes
• Strengths - Based Leadership
• Leading with Emotional Intelligence
• Developing and leveraging your own influence style

Click here to get started on your Leadership & Professional Skills Development Program.

Simply need more information? Click here to receive the latest white paper.

Ready to get started?

Download more information or schedule a consultation today at no charge.

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"I truly believe the connection with my coach was a gift from God. It could not have come at a better time based on everything going on with my job, relocation, and family health situation. His outlet, structure, guidance was exactly what I needed. We followed the Achieve process through self-discovery, life planning, Professional development and vocational analysis. The process was very comprehensive, organized, thought-provoking and flexible. My coach's passion and compassion really impressed me and I am pleased with the results of our journey together. After evaluating the options of leaving my present company, pursuing self-employment, or pursuing a promotion at my company, we put a leadership & professional development plan in place to do the latter. I am now executing that plan and am on track for a promotion in what I previously thought was a dead-end job."

Kurt S., Manager, Detroit, MI
"I thought I was in a dead-end job with no chance of promotion. My coach helped me understand that leaders get promoted and that leadership is all about influence. Even introverted people will influence an average of 10,000 people in their lifetime. It was critically important for me to become a better leader if I wanted to get promoted. So I diligently followed his principles of leadership and people around me immediately began to notice a difference.  In time I received the promotion I was seeking. It worked for me and it can for you too!"
Manish N., Senior Manager, New York City, NY
"At the time I came to my coach I was facing my fifth career change in 20 years.  Each time it seemed I would hit a “glass ceiling” and run into problems with a C-Suite executive and/or an executive peer that prohibited me from moving on.  My coach showed me how to not only lead those who report to me more effectively, but also superior techniques for leading my peers in the organization, as well as managing those above me.  Once we accomplished that, I was ready for the next opportunity."
Jennifer K., Executive, Seattle, WA