Abigail is a professionally certified Fitness Trainer & Recovery Coach with a Bachelor’s degree in Health & Wellness Management and a Master’s degree in Exercise Science. She has 5 years of experience, including being a tier 3 trainer at Equinox Luxury Fitness Clubs. Abigail has worked with hundreds of clients in both one-on-one and group settings.  She is also a professionally certified Health & Wellness Coach trained in techniques related to nutrition and dietetic needs, managing stress, spiritual peace, and work/life balance. Abigail is an extraordinary coach for encouragement, accountability, advice, and accomplishing your goals.  Her objective is to help you live a life of greater fitness, health, and overall wellness.

She specializes in:

  • Balance Body Weight training
  • Core Strength Depression
  • Diastasis Rectus Exercise for Beginners
  • Flexibility
  • Graceful Aging
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Injury Prevention
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Pre- and Post-Natal
  • Posture Correction
  • Rehabilitation
  • Strength and Toning
  • Weight Loss
  • Athletics (including dance, diving, figure skating, football, gymnastics, surfing, swimming, & volleyball, and many more!)

Professional Fitness Trainer Certifications:

  • Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM)
  • Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM)
  • Certified Speed Specialist (NASM)
  • Certified Personal Trainer (NCCPT)
  • Healthy Eating On A Budget (NCCPT)
  • Training Women (NCCPT)
  • Certified Pre- and Postnatal Exercise Coach (NCCPT)
  • Training the Female Triad (NCCPT)
  • Yoga Therapy for Women with PTSD from Engaging in Drug and Alcohol Abuse (NCCPT)
For more information see our services related to Fitness, Health & Wellness.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a consultation today at no charge.